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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our typical weekend

Perhaps with age, work stress or lack of sleep, our weekends have become pretty predictable. Sat will be running errands in the day and dinner with family. Sun will be to church, mother-in-law's place and then dinner with family. Despite such routine, we try to spice up our weekends by exploring new places (if running errands outside) or try new food!

Just recently, I convinced my entire family to have Zi Char in Serangoon (yes, all the way from Jurong) especially for their flossed soft shell crab which was strongly recommended by a celebrity chef in a gourmet variety show. Of course, the place was crazily crowded and waiting time was 1 hr. Still, it was a form of 'spice'!

On one typical Sat...

We started our morning with toss & turns in our bed. Rachel loves this activity particularly because of our bedsheet. Perhaps because of our smell or the high thread count bedsheet? We tested and suspect it to be the latter. Oh no... :P

Lunch was with my aunt in her neighbourhood mall and it was in the mall that I finally found a hairband with curls that is big enough for her! Yeah!

You must be wondering why I'm so obsessed with hairband with curls. Many passerby thought Rachel was a boy. Likely because Rachel has visibly less hair now compared to when she was a newborn. Picture below shows Rachel @ 7 weeks with a full head of hair. So I thought such hairband would make her look more girlish. :P Maybe I should try Brandy instead?

Back to my Sat, dinner was at Aston @ Mapletree Business City (MBC) with my family. This new premise opened late last year and it has modern buildings which lit up the area literally and have nice restaurants and a park.

Dinner was fantastic (above: bro Sebas had yummy iEat Super Burger) and we like the quiet restaurant (during weekend only). With full tummies, I showed my family MindChamp @ MBC. MindChamp was one of our preferred pre-school for Rachel because (1) Rachel loves it (2) we love the location and its facilities (3) we trust the sound curriculum but the fee deterred us from placing deposit.

(Above) Everyone peeping into the school

As the weather was excellent, we loitered around the area and enjoy the breeze and scenery!

(Above) Stroll in the 'park' in the breeze

(Above) Rachel on one of the 'trumpets'

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ooohhh... Pain Pain

"Ooohhh, pain pain" was what Rachel said to me few hours ago while waving her right hand. I took a look at her hand and spotted a tiny black line in her middle finger and dismissed it as a pen ink mark. Before that, she was playing with a pen and came to me twice with 'ink-ful' hands. She loves to wash her hands so I suspect that she does it purposely (sometimes) so that she can wash them.

However, she continued to stand in front of me, looking at her right hand and mumbling "pain" while Shawn & I were watching 'Ai' aka Love - a super long Taiwan drama (to clarify, I'm not the fan, Shawn is. Ha). So I had a second look and thought that it looked like a dried up blood stain (she hurt her right hand recently). I then kissed her cute little finger and told her that it will heal soon.

But my determined girl kept saying "pain pain". Hmmm... something must be wrong. So I got Shawn (who has eagle eyes) to 'diagnose' her problem and he found the black line to be a splinter!

We then got a touch light and nail clipper, intending to take it out but Rachel wouldnt allow. Which kid would? We then waited for her to knock out after her night feed to start the mini 'op'. After 5 long mins with the nail clipper, the splinter was still buried in the skin. Its no wonder because Shawn merely used the clipper to touch his precious daughter's finger. We were worried that we will cause more hurt. What to do? I then got a thick sewing needle and took over. Slowly, I managed to expose 1 end of the splinter. Yeah! I continued to dig, dig and dig (it was not as scary as it sound :P) and finally, I got it out! attached with tiny bit of skin. Opps. But no bleeding and her finger still looked so cute and perfect. Phew.

For all these trouble, I reckon its worth getting the splinter scotch-taped and dated. I know I know, parents usually keep first tooth, first hair... but why not a first splinter? After all, I have a big treasure chest to safe keep them all. :)

length: est 1 mm