Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 31, 2010

Rachel Goes Swimming

I had always wanted to bring Rachel for a swim and initially was considering bringing her to those 'neck float' swim but I just can't convince myself to pay $30 for a 20 mins session. So I thought perhaps we will just bring her to the pool. But then, public pool or private pool? Water temperature okay for her? Should chubby daddy bring her into the pool or flabby mummy go in, in her bikini? hmmm...

Finally, we went swimming last week after my friend suggested bringing our girls to swim, but a pity we didn't get to go together due to timing. Still, thanks to her, we made it to the pool on Vesak day! Private pool. And both of us went in wearing our sportswear. I'm too shy for bikini now. Give me few more months. *What a familiar statement. Ha*

Good thing Rachel fits nicely into the pretty pink polka dot swimsuit (meant for 1 yr old) from her Aunt Regina and the cheerful washable swimming diaper that I got for her in a recent Expo motherhood fair. :)

Most importantly, she enjoyed the water and that day, she had 3 long good naps after swim. *Cheers* Looking forward to our next swimming session already... :)

*It was an itsy bitsy teeny weeny pinky polka dot bikini*


"Daddy, come join us!"

"I'm a natural swimmer"

"Enough of pictures?"

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