Time really flies. Our Rachel has turned 8 month old yesterday. *blink* *blink* Now that I look back, it wasn't that torturing during my 3 months confinement despite welling up buckets of tears from multi-tasking (pump, feed, eat, take care of her, etc) and the tons of calls I made to Shawn to ask him come home. *Ha*
So what's Rachel's recent favorite exercises? Oh, she is the typical infant that loves pulling our hair, scratching our necks and kicking our faces (in her sleep), but we LOVE it. Ok, this applies to Rachel only. Anyone else who does it to us will likely get a kick from us. :P
Hence, Rachel's new nick is Mooster (Moo Moo + Monster). Of course, she is our lovable mooster. You can never fault an 8 month old sweetie pie. Just look at her big smile below.
Rachel 8 month old (20 Jun 2010)It has been a while since she know how to hold her own bottle while drinking but I dont remember when she started. My mum (who is taking care of her) had witnessed her many 'firsts' but she didnt note the dates and usually only relate to me few days after those discoveries. *sob* Though a pity, we are fine with no dates. Month milestones are fine for us... so let's just take stock of the recent development. :)
She can now:
- sleep through the night (actually since she was just 2 months old *fingers crossed still*) but last week was not so (hmmm)
- support herself in high chair and bath tub (been a while...)
- sit unsupported for 5 seconds as timed by Shawn (not bad huh)
- hold her own bottle while drinking (been a while too...)
- starting to get up on fours for a second or so (keep it up!)
- finish 2 rice bowls of 'thick' porridge and still have about 4 feeds of milk daily (its commendable for the fact that she is still keen on supermodel diet)
- react with open arms when I say 'Lets go' to her while she is in her car seat (perhaps its coincidental each time?)
- know its 'Baby Signing Time' (a DVD that teaches sign language given from my friend Pamela) each time my mum goes over to the TV console to put in the disc. She reacts by kicking her legs and waving her arms in the high chair
- shake her head (not because she is sleepy) and several times when Shawn say 'Daddy carry?', she will shake her head *hee* Mummy's the best huh :P
And we observed that she:
- loves water but despite drinking lots, her poo still kind of dry sometimes
- loves air-con but we didn't let her sleep in air-con room from the start. hmm...
- loves porridge as compared to her Similac milk
- loves godpa sebastian to carry, which my mum claims as Rachel tend to open her arms whenever she sees him
- loves chewing on everything from toys to hanky to books and just today, she had a great time chewing the TV remote controller while the family was glued to TV. *opps*
- loves rolling on her playmat and off it. We got her a super big playmat but she can still roll off it and my mum got to constantly place her back in the center
- loves talking (or crying) the moment she wakes up in the morning.
- loves Daddy & Mummy and we are sure of this (of course the rest of the family too *wink*)
So Happy 8th Month to our darling girl! We look forward to our first family trip to Bintan Angsana on 1 Jul. If things go well, we shall all be heading to Japan very soon, right Daddy Shawn? *Big Grin*