No. Shawn is not going for reservist. *fingers crossed*
No. I didn't get new lingerie. *naughty naughty*
Yes, its all about Rachel again. *Hee* Cant help blogging about our little sunshine. *Muack* So, what's about Rachel + Push Ups? She is literally doing push-ups anytime, anywhere since 22 Jun.
She can do them whole day long from one end of the playmat to another. Several times, she even went out of the mat. My mum and maid find it amusing when she went across the entire lengthy living room (out of the mat) in backward motions in less than a minute. Sigh, they forgot the purpose of the expensive LG playmat. Ok, I can't blame them because when I witnessed it today for the first time, I too was amazed and starting clicking away with my iPhone camera that I didnt realize that she has got to the other end of the mat already. *Opps*
Good thing Rachel didnt get bruised knees from all those exercises. Time to buy her baby knee guard! No joke, I have seen them retailing but hmm... which shop was it from? Anybody has any idea?
Pity, iPhone didnt do justice to the pictures (and I'm too lazy to edit the photo) but the pictures should be pretty clear to show princess gymnast doing her push ups. The cutest thing is that she will push herself up, look around, shout at us (if spotted) and start yakking away. After a few seconds, she will get back to her relax position. Just like a typical army girl. *But no. Dont!*
And guess what, 2 teeth are emerging from her lower gum. No wonder she didnt sleep well for the past 2 weeks. (Neither did we *Yawn*). My mum warned me to bring liquid panadol to Bintan next week in case she get fever due to the tooth development. *cross all my fingers and short toes* What a smart grandma! Anyway, my mum has always been smart but just kind of blur sometimes. Nevertheless, Im pretty impressed when she told me that. :)
hahahhahaa Rach looks great doing push ups! :) So cute!!! hhahahhaa... post the video leh :p