Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, July 26, 2010

Rachel 9 Months Old

Rachel @ 9 month (exactly) & Mummy @ 18 yr (I wish!)

Our darling girl turned 9 month old last Tue (20th Jul). It has been a wonderful journey so far and Shawn & I were very fortunate to have witnessed some of her 'firsts' like her first word 'ba' (@ abt 7 mth), her first crawl and her first successful attempt to stand (in the cot) & signaled us to carry her (today). Oh, how adorable.

Many times we choose to carry her not because she was whining but because she gave us her signature innocent sweet look that says 'I love you, can you carry me?' And her watermelon smile revealing her 2 tiny teeth just made it even more irresistible. Whenever she gives me 'the' look, I will simply scope her up and give her a tight (but careful) squeeze. Such moments always feel so warm and heavenly.

Heavenly feeling aside, we experienced different kind of 'warmness'. Like the warm poo she surprised us while drinking my EBM. So much so they all leaked out though she was already wearing a S size diaper, instead of NB. Confinement nanny got a total of 3 such 'bombs' in a month, all at home. I got several times but once was at TMC. She poo-ed all over my pants while I was nursing her in TMC. 10 pieces of wipes didnt help clear the mess. When I was waiting at the hospital entrance for Shawn to get the car that day, a security guard still asked 'you spilled curry on your pants ah?'. Yes, curry, a BM flavored one. :)

Rachel @ 3 days to 1 month old

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