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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rachel is sick!

It has been exactly one month since I last blogged and accumulated on my white board (at home, of course) is a list of backlog stories that I wanted to share but alas, Rachel is sick, and I'm really not in the mood to write long happy stories.

I'm just totally drained of energy. Since last month, we were busy preparing for our Japan trip and you won't believe the amount of nonsense we got from our tour agency (elaborate more the next time). Then, we were in Japan and Rachel got sick. Fortunately, she was still active and happy but her appetite dropped tremendously. SOB. Heart pain. Previously, Rachel had got fever due to vaccination but this is her first so-called real virus attack. Guess the weather is too dry for her. Sigh. Now that we are back, she got worse. And medicine in milk don't work, medicine using syringe don't work and now we are simply shoving the medicine using spoon straight into her mouth and then quickly pop in her water bottle to make her swallow. Sounds horrible huh? You won't feel so once you see her with thick mucus bubbling at her nostrils. :( Can't they invent cough and running nose jabs? Maybe they have? I better call my PD tomorrow to check!

Hope my darling Rachel and myself get better soon. Yes, I'm sick too. :( Her virus too strong for my army to defend.

It's Monday tomorrow! Arggh... I better hit the bed now!

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